Friday, December 17, 2010


Jackson loves Ironman. We rented Ironman 2 from Red Box and watched it when Jackson was still awake and we have never heard the end of Iron Man sense. Jackson knows he wants an Iron Man for his birthday (we already told him he wasn't getting it for Christmas)
cute things he says:
"I be Ironman and Porter be Spiderman"
"Ironman kills monsters like this!" and then he does this pose in the pic below.

He was all about that pose for about three weeks then Judd just recently printed this picture out for him and gave it to him tonight...

So this is his new Ironman pose!...I love it! It's so funny...He does jump off the table now and then and we have to tell him no. But this Ironman thing works really good when bribing! We say, Ironman eats ALL his dinner, that's how he gets strong! and then he'll eat his whole dinner! or lunch, or breakfast! Or we tell him, when he gets out of hand with it, that Ironman only hurts monsters (opposed to his little brother) yeah,

We love our little Ironman


Marin said...

haaaa haaaaaa ohhhh I am so glad you got that POSE on CAMERA!!!! Those are classic!! He has that pose down perfect!!! Soooo cute!

Katie said...

So fun! love it! PS loved the stockings!