Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Yep, it's true! We are moving this very day out of our apartment and we are on our way to Rexburg. Our apartment actually doesn't open up until monday, maybe tuesday, so we are going to take a little detour and go to Lewiston, Where Judd's parents live. So, that is What is going on in our world right now. We are sad to leave our ward here, and our friends. But, we are actually moving closer to some of my favorite people. Julie Bug, for one, and Juston, my favorite brother in law. Emily, who I love and adore so much and the list goes on.

But I better get going because as we speak Judd is cleaning the kitchen cupboards! I never knew he was such a good cleaner! if it means getting our deposite I guess he puts his mind to it. The last time we moved he was working so I had to clean by myself. Thankfully his Julie and Sue helped, I would have died.

Anyway, some day we will have a house, and then we wont have to move so much!

I'll be back to blog soon

1 comment:

Becca said...

How fun!! I am so envious - I miss Rexburg!! I hope you settle in well and just love it there! Good luck with the move!