Also Jackson is going to "preschool" at BYU-I. It is a great program! And they have already taught us parents so much. Some of these organizing ideas I learned from them. (Jackson goes twice a week for just over an hour and they have a two way mirror so the parents can observe their children without them knowing we are there. And I just have to say, I must be doing something right, b/c Jackson is the best behaved boy in his class, he is SO wonderful to the teachers and rarely makes conflict with the other children.) HE IS NOT LIKE THAT AT HOME!!!!!!
I put all the loose junk in groups and then put them into zip locks so he can only play with one or two at a time. (we haven't shown jackson how to open zip locks so if he wants to play with any of these toys he will have to come ask) HeeHee I can't wait! Also it dawned on me that when I go to church, now I can just quickly grab a bag! and BAM we're ready!! most of our "getting ready" for church is spent packing our bag with treats, drinks, and toys to keep Jackson entertained during sacrament meeting. And for his puzzles, each puzzle has it's own baggy for it's pieces, I thought it would be a pain to always put the pieces away but it actually is part of mine and Jacksons play time, he loves to take them out one at a time and them put them back when he is done.
These are the biggest mess makers ever! I have had the blocks in their own box since the day we got them, But then I thought DUH put the other toys in boxes too! (I think I always knew these things but was just too lazy to do it)
And here is my little helper!