squash, yellow or zuchinni. I planted both, but I forgot which row was which!
And our tomatoes and peppers (that we have to keep inside b/c we live in IDAHO, the coldest place on earth)
I just planted pumpkins, cucumbers, peas, and more squash a few days ago!!
I say it's my garden b/c I have done all the work!! I weeded, I got the Rototiller, I planted the seeds, I water it...and Judd talks about how nice it will be when we harvest! (I feel like the Little Red Hen:)
SO Another reason I have not blogged in so long is b/c I just have been busy! Idaho has such a short growing season you have GOT to be ready by june 1st to plant, or you may miss it!! (that's what I feel like, anyway) If you want to see my FLOWER garden, scroll down!!!