Okay, So, we got this trailer in MAY from Judd's cousin. They live right behind Judd's Dad's house in Rexburg. Her husband hauled the trailer across the fields and the ditch with his escavator. it was pretty cool. So yeah, that is a tarp on top becuase the roof blew off and few months before, and we couldn't reuse it (judd said) bc it leeked, I think he could have just patched it.
When we moved it onto the property we realized we weren't really ready for it. We didn't have the power or water lines. So we spent a week with the power box, judd had to buy parts and put it together on a post and then an electrician had to come out and inspect it. Then we had to dig up the water lines which was a hit and miss. Judd's Dad thought he knew where they were so he just started digging with his skidstir and LUCKILY they found the line the same day. Judd had to buy some more parts to bring the water up and we had to check the water pressure, which was good, and which was LUCKY too.
Judd and his power box.
So we got this trailer to turn it into a commercial kitchen. YUP it's true. We have to do weird things like put a sink in the floor and a drain. We have to finish the walls with a washable paint, or put up plastic. We have to get the whole thing signed off and approved as we go. We want to start catering, and this is the way the city/state says we have to do it.
Okay so the power was suppose to cost us another $300 but when they came to hook it up they said, "oh this power line is twisted and old, and bc it had a transformer on it the city has to replace it for you." and while they were doing it they gave us the power for free. or something, it was LUCKY.
Sounds like you guys have had quite a few lucky breaks lately! :-) Glad things are coming along with the trailer
haa haa!!! ohhh i love that post! You guys should just live in it! I lived in a trailer most of my life (not too bad)!!! haa haa. Anyways hopefully everything will be "Lucky" the whole way through this PROJECT!!! Good luck! I think it is awesome what you are doing. Love the post "Judd and his POWER BOX!" haa haa. Miss you guys!
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